Egide Rwabashi

Our project partner on site in Rwanda is Egide. Egide was born on August 30, 1988 in Kigali / Rwanda and is the second youngest of four children. Egide lost his father during the genocide of the Tutsi in 1994. Egide, his mother and siblings survived because a friend of his mother’s temporarily hid them in her house.

Egide was one of the first sponsored children of the project and therefore part of the sponsorship program from the start. After graduating from high school, Egide first completed a bachelor’s degree in finance. He then completed a master’s degree in project management, which was mainly financed by his German sponsor.

Since the foundation of the Child and Youth Aid in Rwanda (Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Ruanda e.V.) in 2016, Egide has coordinated the work of the organization on site in Rwanda as our Country Program Manager, in particular by taking care of the communication with the sponsored children and taking on all administrative tasks (visits to the authorities, visits to schools, universities etc., obtaining information and supporting sponsored children with applications, registrations etc.).

He also played a key role in organizing the construction of the Happy Kids School in Rutunga and has been the school’s directing manager since the school opened in January 2020.