Helping is easy - helping makes you happy!

Many of us are doing well. We live in a socialized and democratic country, we are healthy and earn so much on average that we can afford many other things in addition to the general cost of living. Showing gratitude and “giving something back” is the incentive that motivates us as an association to tackle and implement all the tasks involved in running an international NGO on a voluntary basis.

Volunteering – in whatever form – shows a commitment to a good cause.
There are so many ways to get involved that everyone can contribute with their strengths and in the time they want. Be it through financial support, word of mouth or active participation.

Driven by our vision “We dream of a world in which every child has the same opportunity to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.” we have been continuously expanding the association and our work since 2016.

Be there and get involved!

Our diverse team is always looking for support and welcomes anyone who can enrich us with fresh ideas and action. Below we present a few areas in which we are active and always need support. Perhaps there is something suitable for you and if not, but you would still like to get involved, then please get in touch with us and together we will find a way for you to get involved.

Team Social Media

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The social media team manages the association’s social media pages in terms of content and design, as well as all settings and documents. We are currently primarily active on Facebook, where we also launch and coordinate fundraising campaigns twice a year. We also use Instagram and LinkedIn, but we want to significantly increase our number of followers here.

Would you like to contribute your ideas and creativity? Then we would be delighted if you would join the social media team. In principle, there are no limits to your ideas and creativity – we welcome your ideas for both content and design. We look forward to hearing from you!

Team Finance

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We are also looking for support in maintaining our financial data! The tasks include, for example, recording and maintaining incoming and outgoing payments at regular intervals throughout the calendar year. We can also use support with the chronological filing of receipts. At the beginning of the year, support is needed in particular with the creation of donation receipts, including data checks, serial letter creation, but also bagging the letters. Financial reporting (and annual reporting) also takes place in the first half of the year, where we are always open to new ideas for simplifying the consolidation of data. So Excel and Word skills are very welcome here.

Team Marketing

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“Do good and talk about it” or even better “… and show it in a consistent design, a consistent language and a catchy visual world”. The Marketing team is responsible for the corporate design, implementing and updating the website, designing and copywriting small flyers and inserts, implementing Power Point presentations … and is the point of contact for all ideas that need to be translated into visuals. Here it is not necessary to be a proven marketing professional or designer, the fun in the realization of communicative media is in the foreground (PPTX knowledge makes life easier here, of course 😉)

Team Public Relations

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NGOs rely heavily on press and public relations work. The greater the attention, the more opportunities we have to reach potential donors and interested parties and convince them of our work. The communication around events taking place, the publication of small image texts in magazines or maintaining contact with press representatives are the classic tasks that we work on in this team.
In addition, we want to promote the development of a community in which we, as a children’s charity, are the driving force for intercultural exchange within Düsseldorf (and the surrounding area). Support is always welcome and we are open to all ideas.

Team Fundraising

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The fundraising team needs support!
We are always on the lookout for sponsors, patrons and donations, as well as foundations and funding programs, in order to implement our project ideas.
The search takes place by telephone, mailing, on the Internet and at events.
If you feel addressed, would like to contribute your ideas and support us in the search for sources of donations for the implementation of the many project ideas for ‘our’ sponsored children in Rwanda, please contact us.

Every time a project idea, new support for the families in Rwanda or the expansion of our own school is made possible by donations that flow in in full, this motivates us to continue.

All donations flow 100% to the projects, families and the expansion of our own school in Rwanda. Every source of donations that opens up motivates us to continue working for our project.

Team IT

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The tasks of the IT team are to optimize workflows within the association. Digitalization is very important for the association’s processes. A lot of data has to be managed and constantly updated. If you are interested in contributing your IT skills to a social association and also enjoy finding and implementing new tools to suit the association’s structures and making them usable for members, then you have come to the right place. Support is needed!

The most important thing: it should be fun

Be active and help shape our association – there are plenty of opportunities to get involved!

We offer the opportunity to work in a committed, multi-faceted team and thus directly support numerous children in Rwanda to grow up in an improved environment and accompany them on their way to a more self-determined life.

In almost all areas, the time and scope of the work can be freely allocated. As an association, we support you as much as we can so that you feel comfortable with your task.

Join in and get in touch with us!